Deitel C++ How To Program 9th Edition Pdf Free Download

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n</title>n<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset='UTF-8'>n</head>nn<div><div><p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p>C++ HOW TO PROGRAMnSECOND EDITIONn</p>n<p>Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers and C++ Programmingn</p>n<p>Chapter 2 Control StructuresnChapter 3 Functionsn</p>n<p>Chapter 4 Arraysn</p>n<p>Chapter 5 Pointers and StringsnChapter 6 Classes and Data Abstractionn</p>n<p>Chapter 7 Classes: Part IIn</p>n<p>Chapter 8 Operator OverloadingnChapter 9 Inheritancen</p>n<p>Chapter 10 Virtual Functions and Polymorphismn</p>n<p>Chapter 11 C++ Stream Input/OutputnChapter 12 Templatesn</p>n<p>Chapter 13 Exception Handlingn</p>n<p>Chapter 14 File Processingn</p>n<p>Chapter 15 Data StructuresnChapter 16 Bits, Characters, Strings, and Structuresn</p>n<p>Chapter 17 The Preprocessorn</p>n<p>Chapter 18 C Legacy Code TopicsnChapter 19 Class string and String Stream Processingn</p>n<p>Chapter 20 Standard Template Library (STL)n</p>n<p>Chapter 21 ANSI/ISO C++ Standard Language Additions</p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C++ PROGRAMMING 1n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p>.n</p>n<p><b><i>Illustrations List (Main Page)n</i></b></p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.1 </b>A typical C++ environment.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.2 </b>Text printing program.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.3 </b>Some common escape sequences.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.4 </b>Printing on one line with separate statements n</p>n<p>using <b>cout</b>.n<b>Fig. 1.5 </b>Printing on multiple lines with a single statement n</p>n<p>using <b>cout</b>.n<b>Fig. 1.6 </b>An addition program.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.7 </b>A memory location showing the name and value of n</p>n<p>a variable.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.8 </b>Memory locations after values for two variables have n</p>n<p>been input.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.9 </b>Memory locations after a calculation.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.10 </b>Arithmetic operators.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.11 </b>Precedence of arithmetic operators.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.12 </b>Order in which a second-degree polynomial is evaluated.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.13 </b>Equality and relational operators.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.14 </b>Using equality and relational operators.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.15 </b>Precedence and associativity of the operators discussed n</p>n<p>so far.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.16 </b>Using new-style header files.</p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C++ PROGRAMMING 2n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p>Diskn</p>n<p>Editorn</p>n<p>Loadern</p>n<p>Preprocessorn</p>n<p>CPUn</p>n<p>Diskn</p>n<p>Diskn</p>n<p>Primaryn</p>n<p>Memoryn</p>n<p><b>.n</b></p>n<p><b>.n</b></p>n<p><b>.n</b></p>n<p>Primaryn</p>n<p>Memoryn</p>n<p><b>.n</b></p>n<p><b>.n</b></p>n<p><b>.n</b></p>n<p>Program is created inn</p>n<p>the editor and storedn</p>n<p>on disk.n</p>n<p>Preprocessor programn</p>n<p>processes the code.n</p>n<p>Loader puts programn</p>n<p>in memory.n</p>n<p>CPU takes eachn</p>n<p>instruction andn</p>n<p>executes it, possiblyn</p>n<p>storing new datan</p>n<p>values as the programn</p>n<p>executes.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.1 </b>A typical C++ environment.n</p>n<p>Compiler Diskn</p>n<p>Compiler createsn</p>n<p>object code and storesn</p>n<p>it on disk.n</p>n<p>Linker Diskn</p>n<p>Linker links the objectn</p>n<p>code with the libraries,n</p>n<p>creates <b>a.out</b> andn</p>n<p>stores it on disk</p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C++ PROGRAMMING 3n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p>1 <b>// Fig. 1.2: fig01_02.cppn</b>2 <b>// A first program in C++n</b>3 <b>#include &lt;iostream.h&gt;n</b>4n5 <b>int main()n</b>6 <b>{n</b>7 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Welcome to C++!n&quot;;n</b>8n9 <b> return 0; // indicate that program ended successfullyn</b></p>n<p>10 <b>}n</b></p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.2 </b>Text printing program.n</p>n<p>1 <b>// Fig. 1.4: fig01_04.cppn</b>2 <b>// Printing a line with multiple statementsn</b>3 <b>#include &lt;iostream.h&gt;n</b>4n5 <b>int main()n</b>6 <b>{n</b>7 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Welcome &quot;;n</b>8 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;to C++!n&quot;;n</b>9n</p>n<p>10 <b> return 0; // indicate that program ended successfullyn</b>11 <b>}n</b></p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.4 </b>Printing on one line with separate statements using <b>cout</b>.n</p>n<p><b>Welcome to C++!n</b></p>n<p><b>Escape Sequence Descriptionn</b></p>n<p><b>n </b>Newline. Position the screen cursor to the beginning of the next line.n</p>n<p><b>t </b>Horizontal tab. Move the screen cursor to the next tab stop.n</p>n<p><b>r </b>Carriage return. Position the screen cursor to the beginning of the cur-n</p>n<p>rent line; do not advance to the next line.n</p>n<p><b>a </b>Alert. Sound the system bell.n</p>n<p><b> </b>Backslash. Used to print a backslash character.n</p>n<p><b>&quot; </b>Double quote. Used to print a double quote character.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.3 </b>Some common escape sequences.n</p>n<p><b>Welcome to C++!</b></p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C++ PROGRAMMING 4n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p>1 <b>// Fig. 1.5: fig01_05.cppn</b>2 <b>// Printing multiple lines with a single statementn</b>3 <b>#include &lt;iostream.h&gt;n</b>4n5 <b>int main()n</b>6 <b>{n</b>7 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;WelcomentonnC++!n&quot;;n</b>8n9 <b> return 0; // indicate that program ended successfullyn</b></p>n<p>10 <b>}n</b></p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.5 </b>Printing on multiple lines with a single statement using <b>cout</b>. n</p>n<p> n</p>n<p>1 <b>// Fig. 1.6: fig01_06.cppn</b>2 <b>// Addition programn</b>3 <b>#include &lt;iostream.h&gt;n</b>4n5 <b>int main()n</b>6 <b>{n</b>7 <b> int integer1, integer2, sum; // declarationn</b>8n9 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Enter first integern&quot;; // promptn</b></p>n<p>10 <b> cin &gt;&gt; integer1; // read an integern</b>11 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Enter second integern&quot;; // promptn</b>12 <b> cin &gt;&gt; integer2; // read an integern</b>13 <b> sum = integer1 + integer2; // assignment of sumn</b>14 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Sum is &quot; &lt;&lt; sum &lt;&lt; endl; // print sumn</b>15n16 <b> return 0; // indicate that program ended successfullyn</b>17 <b>}n</b></p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.6 </b>An addition program (part 1 of 2).n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.6 </b>An addition program (part 2 of 2).n</p>n<p><b>Welcomenton</b></p>n<p><b>C++!n</b></p>n<p><b>Enter first integern45nEnter second integern72nSum is 117</b></p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C++ PROGRAMMING 5n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.7 </b>A memory location showing the name and value of a variable.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.8 </b>Memory locations after values for two variables have been input.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.9 </b>Memory locations after a calculation.n</p>n<p><b>C++n</b></p>n<p><b>operationn</b></p>n<p><b>Arithmetic n</b></p>n<p><b>operatorn</b></p>n<p><b>Algebraic n</b></p>n<p><b>expressionn</b></p>n<p><b>C++n</b></p>n<p><b>expressionn</b></p>n<p>Addition <b>+ </b><i>f + 7 <b></b></i><b>f + 7n</b></p>n<p>Subtraction <b>&#8211; </b><i>p &#8211; c <b></b></i><b>p - cn</b></p>n<p>Multiplication <b>* </b><i>bm <b></b></i><b>b * m n</b></p>n<p>Division <b>/n</b><i>x / y </i>or<i></i>or<i> x </i>&#247;<i> yn</i></p>n<p><b>x / yn</b></p>n<p>Modulus <b>% </b><i>r mod s <b></b></i><b>r % sn</b></p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.10 </b>Arithmetic operators.n</p>n<p><b>integer1 45n</b></p>n<p><b>integer1 45n</b></p>n<p><b> integer2 72n</b></p>n<p><b>integer1 45n</b></p>n<p><b> integer2 72n</b></p>n<p><b> sum 117n</b></p>n<p><i>xn</i></p>n<p><i>yn-</i></p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C++ PROGRAMMING 6n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.12 </b>Order in which a second-degree polynomial is evaluated.n</p>n<p><b>Operator(s) Operation(s) Order of evaluation (precedence)n</b></p>n<p><b>( ) </b>Parentheses Evaluated first. If the parentheses are nested, the n</p>n<p>expression in the innermost pair is evaluated first. n</p>n<p>If there are several pairs of parentheses &#8220;on then</p>n<p>same level&#8221; (i.e., not nested), they are evaluatedn</p>n<p>left to right.n</p>n<p><b>*</b>, <b>/</b>, <b>or</b><b>% </b>Multiplicationn</p>n<p>Division n</p>n<p>Modulusn</p>n<p>Evaluated second. If there are several, they aren</p>n<p>evaluated left to right. n</p>n<p><b>+ or - </b>Additionn</p>n<p>Subtractionn</p>n<p>Evaluated last. If there are several, they are n</p>n<p>evaluated left to right.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.11 </b>Precedence of arithmetic operators.n</p>n<p><b>y = 2 * 5 * 5 + 3 * 5 + 7;n</b></p>n<p><b> 2 * 5 is 10 </b>(Leftmost multiplication)n</p>n<p><b>y = 10 * 5 + 3 * 5 + 7;n</b></p>n<p><b> 10 * 5 is 50 </b>(Leftmost multiplication)n</p>n<p><b>y = 50 + 3 * 5 + 7;n</b></p>n<p><b> 3 * 5 is 15 </b>(Multiplication before addition)n</p>n<p><b>y = 50 + 15 + 7;n</b></p>n<p><b> 50 + 15 is 65 </b>(Leftmost addition)n</p>n<p><b>y = 65 + 7;n</b></p>n<p><b> 65 + 7 is 72 </b>(Last addition)n</p>n<p><b>y = 72; </b>(Last operation&#8212;place <b>72</b> into <b>y</b>)n</p>n<p><i>Step 1.n</i></p>n<p><i>Step 2.n</i></p>n<p><i>Step 5.n</i></p>n<p><i>Step 3.n</i></p>n<p><i>Step 4.n</i></p>n<p><i>Step 6.</i></p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C++ PROGRAMMING 7n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p>1 <b>// Fig. 1.14: fig01_14.cppn</b>2 <b>// Using if statements, relationaln</b>3 <b>// operators, and equality operatorsn</b>4 <b>#include &lt;iostream.h&gt;n</b>5n6 <b>int main()n</b>7 <b>{n</b>8 <b> int num1, num2;n</b>9n</p>n<p>10 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Enter two integers, and I will tell youn&quot;n</b>11 <b> &lt;&lt; &quot;the relationships they satisfy: &quot;;n</b>12 <b> cin &gt;&gt; num1 &gt;&gt; num2; // read two integersn</b>13n14 <b> if ( num1 num2 )n</b>15 <b> cout &lt;&lt; num1 &lt;&lt; &quot; is equal to &quot; &lt;&lt; num2 &lt;&lt; endl;n</b>16n17 <b> if ( num1 != num2 )n</b>18 <b> cout &lt;&lt; num1 &lt;&lt; &quot; is not equal to &quot; &lt;&lt; num2 &lt;&lt; endl;n</b>19n20 <b> if ( num1 &lt; num2 )n</b>21 <b> cout &lt;&lt; num1 &lt;&lt; &quot; is less than &quot; &lt;&lt; num2 &lt;&lt; endl;n</b>22n23 <b> if ( num1 &gt; num2 )n</b>24 <b> cout &lt;&lt; num1 &lt;&lt; &quot; is greater than &quot; &lt;&lt; num2 &lt;&lt; endl;n</b>25n26 <b> if ( num1 &lt;= num2 )n</b>27 <b> cout &lt;&lt; num1 &lt;&lt; &quot; is less than or equal to &quot;n</b>28 <b> &lt;&lt; num2 &lt;&lt; endl;n</b>29n30 <b> if ( num1 &gt;= num2 )n</b>31 <b> cout &lt;&lt; num1 &lt;&lt; &quot; is greater than or equal to &quot;n</b>32 <b> &lt;&lt; num2 &lt;&lt; endl;n</b>33n34 <b> return 0; // indicate that program ended successfullyn</b>35 <b>}n</b></p>n<p><b>Standard algebraicn</b></p>n<p><b>equality operator orn</b></p>n<p><b>relational operatorn</b></p>n<p><b>C++ equalityn</b></p>n<p><b>or relationaln</b></p>n<p><b>operatorn</b></p>n<p><b>Example n</b></p>n<p><b>of C++ n</b></p>n<p><b>conditionn</b></p>n<p><b>Meaning of n</b></p>n<p><b>C++ conditionn</b></p>n<p><i>Equality operatorsn</i></p>n<p>= <b> x y x</b> is equal to <b>yn</b></p>n<p>&#8800; <b>!= x != y x</b> is not equal to <b>yn</b><i>Relational operatorsn</i></p>n<p>&gt; <b>&gt; x &gt; y x</b> is greater than <b>yn</b></p>n<p>&lt; <b>&lt; x &lt; y x</b> is less than <b>yn</b></p>n<p>&#8805; <b>&gt;= x &gt;= y x</b> is greater than or equal to <b>yn</b>&#8804; <b>&lt;= x &lt;= y x</b> is less than or equal to <b>yn</b></p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.13 </b>Equality and relational operators.</p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C++ PROGRAMMING 8n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.14 </b>Using equality and relational operators (part 1 of 2).n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.14 </b>Using equality and relational operators (part 2 of 2).n</p>n<p><b>Enter two integers, and I will tell you nthe relationships they satisfy: 3 7n3 is not equal to 7n3 is less than 7n3 is less than or equal to 7n</b></p>n<p><b>Enter two integers, and I will tell you nthe relationships they satisfy: 22 12n22 is not equal to 12n22 is greater than 12n22 is greater than or equal to 12n</b></p>n<p><b>Enter two integers, and I will tell you nthe relationships they satisfy: 7 7n7 is equal to 7n7 is less than or equal to 7n7 is greater than or equal to 7n</b></p>n<p><b>Operators Associativity Typen</b></p>n<p><b>() </b>left to right parenthesesn</p>n<p><b>* / % </b>left to right multiplicativen</p>n<p><b>+ - </b>left to right additiven</p>n<p>&lt;&lt; &gt;&gt; left to right stream insertion/extractionn</p>n<p><b>&lt; &lt;= &gt; &gt;= </b>left to right relationaln</p>n<p><b> != </b>left to right equalityn</p>n<p><b>= </b>right to left assignmentn</p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.15 </b>Precedence and associativity of the operators discussed so far.</p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C++ PROGRAMMING 9n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p>1</p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C++ PROGRAMMING 10n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p>1 <b>// Fig. 1.16: fig01_16.cppn</b>2 <b>// Using new-style header filesn</b>3 <b>#include &lt;iostream&gt;n</b>4n5 <b>using namespace std;n</b>6n7 <b>int main()n</b>8 <b>{n</b>9 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Welcome to C++!n&quot;;n</b></p>n<p>10 <b> std::cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Welcome to C++!n&quot;; n</b>11n12 <b> return 0; // indicate that program ended successfullyn</b>13 <b>}n</b></p>n<p><b>Fig. 1.16 </b>Using new-style header files.n</p>n<p><b>Welcome to C++!nWelcome to C++!</b></p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 1n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p><b><i>Illustrations List (Main Page) n</i></b></p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.1 </b>Flowcharting C++&#8217;s sequence structure.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.2 </b>C++ keywords.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.3 </b>Flowcharting the single-selection <b>if</b> structure.n<b>Fig. 2.4 </b>Flowcharting the double-selection <b>if/else</b> structure.n<b>Fig. 2.5 </b>Flowcharting the <b>while</b> repetition structure.n<b>Fig. 2.6 </b>Pseudocode algorithm that uses counter-controlled n</p>n<p>repetition to solve the class average problem.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.7 </b>C++ program and sample execution for the class average problem n</p>n<p>with counter-controlled repetition.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.8 </b>Pseudocode algorithm that uses sentinel-controlled repetition to n</p>n<p>solve the class average problem.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.9 </b>C++ program and sample execution for the class average problem n</p>n<p>with sentinel-controlled repetition.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.10 </b>Pseudocode for examination results problem.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.11 </b>C++ program and sample executions for examination results problem.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.12 </b>Arithmetic assignment operators.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.13 </b>The increment and decrement operators.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.14 </b>The difference between preincrementing and postincrementing.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.15 </b>Precedence of the operators encountered so far in the text.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.16 </b>Counter-controlled repetition.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.17 </b>Counter-controlled repetition with the <b>for</b> structure.n<b>Fig. 2.18 </b>Components of a typical <b>for</b> header.n<b>Fig. 2.19 </b>Flowcharting a typical <b>for</b> repetition structure.n<b>Fig. 2.20 </b>Summation with <b>for</b>.n<b>Fig. 2.21 </b>Calculating compound interest with <b>for</b>.n<b>Fig. 2.22 </b>An example using <b>switch</b>.n<b>Fig. 2.23 </b>The <b>switch</b> multiple-selection structure with <b>break</b>s.n<b>Fig. 2.24 </b>Using the <b>do/while</b> structure.n<b>Fig. 2.25 </b>Flowcharting the <b>do/while</b> repetition structure.n<b>Fig. 2.26 </b>Using the <b>break</b> statement in a <b>for</b> structure.n<b>Fig. 2.27 </b>Using the <b>continue</b> statement in a <b>for</b> structure.n<b>Fig. 2.28 </b>Truth table for the <b>&amp;&amp;</b> (logical AND) operator.n<b>Fig. 2.29 </b>Truth table for the <b> </b> (logical OR) operator.n<b>Fig. 2.30 </b>Truth table for operator <b>!</b> (logical negation).n<b>Fig. 2.31 </b>Operator precedence and associativity.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.32 </b>C++&#8217;s single-entry/single-exit sequence, selection, and n</p>n<p>repetition structures.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.33 </b>Rules for forming structured programs.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.34 </b>The simplest flowchart.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.35 </b>Repeatedly applying rule 2 of Fig. 2.33 to the simplest flowchart.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.36 </b>Applying rule 3 of Fig. 2.33 to the simplest flowchart.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.37 </b>Stacked, nested and overlapped building blocks.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.38 </b>An unstructured flowchart.</p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 2n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.1 </b>Flowcharting C++&#8217;s sequence structure.n</p>n<p> n</p>n<p> n</p>n<p><b>C++ Keywordsn</b></p>n<p><i>C and C++ keywordsn</i></p>n<p><b>auto break case char constn</b></p>n<p><b>continue default do double elsen</b></p>n<p><b>enum extern float for goton</b></p>n<p><b>if int long register returnn</b></p>n<p><b>short signed sizeof static structn</b></p>n<p><b>switch typedef union unsigned voidn</b></p>n<p><b>volatile whilen</b></p>n<p><i>C++ only keywordsn</i></p>n<p><b>asm bool catch class const_castn</b></p>n<p><b>delete dynamic_casn</b></p>n<p><b>tn</b></p>n<p><b>explicit false friendn</b></p>n<p><b>inline mutable namespace new operatorn</b></p>n<p><b>private protected public reinterpret_castn</b></p>n<p><b>static_cast template this throw truen</b></p>n<p><b>try typeid typename using virtualn</b></p>n<p><b>wchar_tn</b></p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.2 </b>C++ keywords.n</p>n<p>add grade to n</p>n<p>totaln</p>n<p>add 1 to n</p>n<p>countern</p>n<p><b>total = total + grade;n</b></p>n<p><b>counter = counter + 1;</b></p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 3n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.4 </b>Flowcharting the double-selection <b>if/else</b> structure.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.5 </b>Flowcharting the <b>while</b> repetition structure.n</p>n<p>grade &gt;= 60 print &quot;Passed&quot;ntruen</p>n<p>falsen</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.3 </b>Flowcharting the single-selection <b>if</b> structure.n</p>n<p>grade &gt;= 60n</p>n<p>print &quot;Passed&quot;n</p>n<p>truen</p>n<p>print &quot;Failed&quot;n</p>n<p>falsen</p>n<p>product &lt;= 1000 product =n</p>n<p>2 * productn</p>n<p>truen</p>n<p>false</p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 4n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p><i>Set total to zeron</i></p>n<p><i>Set grade counter to onen</i></p>n<p><i>While grade counter is less than or equal to tenn</i></p>n<p><i>Input the next graden</i></p>n<p><i>Add the grade into the totaln</i></p>n<p><i>Add one to the grade countern</i></p>n<p><i>Set the class average to the total divided by tenn</i></p>n<p><i>Print the class averagen</i></p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.6 </b>Pseudocode algorithm that uses counter-controlled repetition to solve the class average problem.n</p>n<p>1 <b>// Fig. 2.7: fig02_07.cppn</b>2 <b>// Class average program with counter-controlled repetitionn</b>3 <b>#include &lt;iostream.h&gt;n</b>4n5 <b>int main()n</b>6 <b>{n</b>7 <b> int total, // sum of grades n</b>8 <b> gradeCounter, // number of grades enteredn</b>9 <b> grade, // one graden</b></p>n<p>10 <b> average; // average of gradesn</b>11n12 <b> // initialization phasen</b>13 <b> total = 0; // clear totaln</b>14 <b> gradeCounter = 1; // prepare to loopn</b>15n16 <b> // processing phasen</b>17 <b> while ( gradeCounter &lt;= 10 ) { // loop 10 timesn</b>18 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Enter grade: &quot;; // prompt for inputn</b>19 <b> cin &gt;&gt; grade; // input graden</b>20 <b> total = total + grade; // add grade to totaln</b>21 <b> gradeCounter = gradeCounter + 1; // increment countern</b>22 <b> }n</b>23n24 <b> // termination phasen</b>25 <b> average = total / 10; // integer divisionn</b>26 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Class average is &quot; &lt;&lt; average &lt;&lt; endl;n</b>27n28 <b> return 0; // indicate program ended successfullyn</b>29 <b>}n</b></p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.7 </b>C++ program and sample execution for the class average problem with counter-controlled repetition.n</p>n<p><b>Enter grade: 98nEnter grade: 76nEnter grade: 71nEnter grade: 87nEnter grade: 83nEnter grade: 90nEnter grade: 57nEnter grade: 79nEnter grade: 82nEnter grade: 94nClass average is 81</b></p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 5n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p><i>Initialize total to zeron</i></p>n<p><i>Initialize counter to zeron</i></p>n<p><i>Input the first grade (possibly the sentinel)n</i></p>n<p><i>While the user has not as yet entered the sentinel n</i></p>n<p><i>Add this grade into the running totaln</i></p>n<p><i>Add one to the grade countern</i></p>n<p><i>Input the next grade (possibly the sentinel)n</i></p>n<p><i>If the counter is not equal to zeron</i></p>n<p><i>Set the average to the total divided by the countern</i></p>n<p><i>Print the averagen</i></p>n<p><i>elsen</i></p>n<p><i>Print &#8220;No grades were entered&#8221;n</i></p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.8 </b>Pseudocode algorithm that uses sentinel-controlled repetition to solve the class average problem.</p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 6n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p>1 <b>// Fig. 2.9: fig02_09.cppn</b>2 <b>// Class average program with sentinel-controlled repetition.n</b>3 <b>#include &lt;iostream.h&gt;n</b>4 <b>#include &lt;iomanip.h&gt;n</b>5n6 <b>int main()n</b>7 <b>{n</b>8 <b> int total, // sum of gradesn</b>9 <b> gradeCounter, // number of grades enteredn</b></p>n<p>10 <b> grade; // one grade n</b>11 <b> float average; // number with decimal point for averagen</b>12n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.9 </b>C++ program and sample execution for the class average problem with sentinel-controlled repetitionn(part 1 of 2).n</p>n<p>13 <b> // initialization phasen</b>14 <b> total = 0;n</b>15 <b> gradeCounter = 0;n</b>16n17 <b> // processing phasen</b>18 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Enter grade, -1 to end: &quot;; n</b>19 <b> cin &gt;&gt; grade; n</b>20n21 <b> while ( grade != -1 ) { n</b>22 <b> total = total + grade; n</b>23 <b> gradeCounter = gradeCounter + 1; n</b>24 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Enter grade, -1 to end: &quot;; n</b>25 <b> cin &gt;&gt; grade; n</b>26 <b> }n</b>27n28 <b> // termination phasen</b>29 <b> if ( gradeCounter != 0 ) { n</b>30 <b> average = static_cast&lt; float &gt;( total ) / gradeCounter;n</b>31 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Class average is &quot; &lt;&lt; setprecision( 2 )n</b>32 <b> &lt;&lt; setiosflags( ios::fixed ios::showpoint )n</b>33 <b> &lt;&lt; average &lt;&lt; endl;n</b>34 <b> }n</b>35 <b> elsen</b>36 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;No grades were entered&quot; &lt;&lt; endl;n</b>37n38 <b> return 0; // indicate program ended successfullyn</b>39 <b>}n</b></p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.9 </b>C++ program and sample execution for the class average problem with sentinel-controlled repetition n(part 2 of 2).n</p>n<p><b>Enter grade, -1 to end: 75nEnter grade, -1 to end: 94nEnter grade, -1 to end: 97nEnter grade, -1 to end: 88nEnter grade, -1 to end: 70nEnter grade, -1 to end: 64nEnter grade, -1 to end: 83nEnter grade, -1 to end: 89nEnter grade, -1 to end: -1nClass average is 82.50</b></p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 7n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p><i>Initialize passes to zeron</i></p>n<p><i>Initialize failures to zeron</i></p>n<p><i>Initialize student counter to onen</i></p>n<p><i>While student counter is less than or equal to tenn</i></p>n<p><i>Input the next exam resultn</i></p>n<p><i>If the student passedn</i></p>n<p><i>Add one to passesn</i></p>n<p><i>elsen</i></p>n<p><i>Add one to failuresn</i></p>n<p><i>Add one to student countern</i></p>n<p><i>Print the number of passesn</i></p>n<p><i>Print the number of failuresn</i></p>n<p><i>If more than eight students passed n</i></p>n<p><i>Print &#8220;Raise tuition&#8221;n</i></p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.10 </b>Pseudocode for examination results problem.n</p>n<p>1 <b>// Fig. 2.11: fig02_11.cppn</b>2 <b>// Analysis of examination resultsn</b>3 <b>#include &lt;iostream.h&gt;n</b>4n5 <b>int main()n</b>6 <b>{n</b>7 <b> // initialize variables in declarationsn</b>8 <b> int passes = 0, // number of passesn</b>9 <b> failures = 0, // number of failuresn</b></p>n<p>10 <b> studentCounter = 1, // student countern</b>11 <b> result; // one exam resultn</b>12n13 <b> // process 10 students; counter-controlled loopn</b>14 <b> while ( studentCounter &lt;= 10 ) {n</b>15 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): &quot;;n</b>16 <b> cin &gt;&gt; result;n</b>17n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.11 </b>C++ program and sample executions for examination results problem n(part 1 of 2).n</p>n<p>18 <b> if ( result 1 ) // if/else nested in whilen</b>19 <b> passes = passes + 1;n</b>20 <b> elsen</b>21 <b> failures = failures + 1;n</b>22n23 <b> studentCounter = studentCounter + 1;n</b>24 <b> }n</b>25n26 <b> // termination phasen</b>27 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Passed &quot; &lt;&lt; passes &lt;&lt; endl;n</b>28 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Failed &quot; &lt;&lt; failures &lt;&lt; endl;n</b>29n30 <b> if ( passes &gt; 8 )n</b>31 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Raise tuition &quot; &lt;&lt; endl;n</b>32</p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 8n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p>33 <b> return 0; // successful terminationn</b>34 <b>}n</b></p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.11 </b>C++ program and sample executions for examination results problem n(part 2 of 2).n</p>n<p><b>Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1nEnter result (1=pass,2=fail): 2nEnter result (1=pass,2=fail): 2nEnter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1nEnter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1nEnter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1nEnter result (1=pass,2=fail): 2nEnter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1nEnter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1nEnter result (1=pass,2=fail): 2nPassed 6nFailed 4n</b></p>n<p><b>Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1nEnter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1nEnter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1nEnter result (1=pass,2=fail): 2nEnter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1nEnter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1nEnter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1nEnter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1nEnter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1nEnter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1nPassed 9nFailed 1nRaise tuitionn</b></p>n<p><b>Assignmentn</b></p>n<p><b>operatorn</b></p>n<p><b>Samplen</b></p>n<p><b>expression Explanation Assignsn</b></p>n<p><i>Assume:</i><b>int c = 3, d = 5, e = 4, f = 6, g = 12;n</b></p>n<p><b>+= c += 7 c = c + 7 10</b> to <b>cn</b></p>n<p><b>-= d -= 4 d = d - 4 1</b> to <b>dn</b></p>n<p><b>*= e *= 5 e = e * 5 20</b> to <b>en</b></p>n<p><b>/= f /= 3 f = f / 3 2</b> to <b>fn</b></p>n<p><b>%= g %= 9 g = g % 9 3</b> to <b>gn</b></p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.12 </b>Arithmetic assignment operators.</p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 9n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p>1 <b>// Fig. 2.14: fig02_14.cppn</b>2 <b>// Preincrementing and postincrementingn</b>3 <b>#include &lt;iostream.h&gt;n</b>4n5 <b>int main()n</b>6 <b>{n</b>7 <b> int c;n</b>8n9 <b> c = 5;n</b></p>n<p>10 <b> cout &lt;&lt; c &lt;&lt; endl; // print 5n</b>11 <b> cout &lt;&lt; c++ &lt;&lt; endl; // print 5 then postincrementn</b>12 <b> cout &lt;&lt; c &lt;&lt; endl &lt;&lt; endl; // print 6n</b>13n14 <b> c = 5;n</b>15 <b> cout &lt;&lt; c &lt;&lt; endl; // print 5n</b>16 <b> cout &lt;&lt; ++c &lt;&lt; endl; // preincrement then print 6n</b>17 <b> cout &lt;&lt; c &lt;&lt; endl; // print 6n</b>18n19 <b> return 0; // successful terminationn</b>20 <b>}n</b></p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.14 </b>The difference between preincrementing and postincrementing.n</p>n<p><b>Operator Called Sample expression Explanationn</b></p>n<p><b>++ </b>preincrement <b>++a </b>Increment <b>a</b> by 1, then use the new value n</p>n<p>of <b>a</b> in the expression in which <b>a</b> resides.n</p>n<p><b>++ </b>postincre-n</p>n<p>mentn</p>n<p><b>a++ </b>Use the current value of <b>a</b> in the expres-n</p>n<p>sion in which <b>a</b> resides, then increment <b>a</b> n</p>n<p>by 1.n</p>n<p><b>-- </b>predecrement <b>--b </b>Decrement <b>b</b> by 1, then use the new value n</p>n<p>of <b>b</b> in the expression in which <b>b</b> resides.n</p>n<p><b>-- </b>postdecre-n</p>n<p>mentn</p>n<p><b>b-- </b>Use the current value of <b>b</b> in the expres-n</p>n<p>sion in which <b>b</b> resides, then decrement <b>b</b> n</p>n<p>by 1.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.13 </b>The increment and decrement operators.n</p>n<p><b>5n5n6n</b></p>n<p><b>5n6n6</b></p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 10n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p> n</p>n<p>1 <b>// Fig. 2.16: fig02_16.cppn</b>2 <b>// Counter-controlled repetitionn</b>3 <b>#include &lt;iostream.h&gt;n</b>4n5 <b>int main()n</b>6 <b>{n</b>7 <b> int counter = 1; // initializationn</b>8n9 <b> while ( counter &lt;= 10 ) { // repetition conditionn</b></p>n<p>10 <b> cout &lt;&lt; counter &lt;&lt; endl;n</b>11 <b> ++counter; // incrementn</b>12 <b> }n</b>13n14 <b> return 0;n</b>15 <b>}n</b></p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.16 </b>Counter-controlled repetition.n</p>n<p><b>Operatorsn</b></p>n<p><b>Associativi-n</b></p>n<p><b>ty Typen</b></p>n<p><b>() </b>left to right parenthesesn</p>n<p><b>++ -- + - static_cast&lt;</b><i>type<b></b></i><b>&gt;() </b>right to left unaryn</p>n<p><b>* / % </b>left to right multiplicativen</p>n<p><b>+ - </b>left to right additiven</p>n<p><b>&lt;&lt; &gt;&gt; </b>left to right insertion/extrac-n</p>n<p>tionn</p>n<p><b>&lt; &lt;= &gt; &gt;= </b>left to right relationaln</p>n<p><b> != </b>left to right equalityn</p>n<p><b>?: </b>right to left conditionaln</p>n<p><b>= += -= *= /= %= </b>right to left assignmentn</p>n<p><b>, </b>left to right comman</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.15 </b>Precedence of the operators encountered so far in the text.n</p>n<p><b>1n2n3n4n5n6n7n8n9n10</b></p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 11n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p>1 <b>// Fig. 2.17: fig02_17.cppn</b>2 <b>// Counter-controlled repetition with the for structuren</b>3 <b>#include &lt;iostream.h&gt;n</b>4n5 <b>int main()n</b>6 <b>{n</b>7 <b> // Initialization, repetition condition, and incrementing n</b>8 <b> // are all included in the for structure header. n</b>9n</p>n<p>10 <b> for ( int counter = 1; counter &lt;= 10; counter++ )n</b>11 <b> cout &lt;&lt; counter &lt;&lt; endl;n</b>12n13 <b> return 0;n</b>14 <b>}n</b></p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.17 </b>Counter-controlled repetition with the <b>for</b> structure.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.18 </b>Components of a typical <b>for</b> header.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.19 </b>Flowcharting a typical <b>for</b> repetition structure.n</p>n<p><b>for ( int counter = 1; counter &lt;= 10; counter++ )n</b></p>n<p>Initial value n</p>n<p>of control n</p>n<p>variablen</p>n<p>Increment of n</p>n<p>control vari-n</p>n<p>ablen</p>n<p>Control n</p>n<p>variable n</p>n<p>namen</p>n<p>Final value n</p>n<p>of control n</p>n<p>variablen</p>n<p><b>forn</b></p>n<p>keywordn</p>n<p>Loop-n</p>n<p>continuation n</p>n<p>conditionn</p>n<p><b>counter &lt;= 10 </b>truen</p>n<p>falsen</p>n<p><b>counter = 1n</b></p>n<p><b>counter++ncout</b><b>&lt;&lt;</b><b>countern</b></p>n<p><b></b><b>&lt;&lt;</b><b>endl;n</b></p>n<p>Establish initial n</p>n<p>value of control n</p>n<p>variablen</p>n<p>Test if final n</p>n<p>value of control n</p>n<p>variable has not n</p>n<p>been reachedn</p>n<p>Body of loop (this n</p>n<p>may be many state-n</p>n<p>ments)n</p>n<p>Increment the con-n</p>n<p>trol variable</p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 12n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p>1 <b>// Fig. 2.20: fig02_20.cppn</b>2 <b>// Summation with forn</b>3 <b>#include &lt;iostream.h&gt;n</b>4n5 <b>int main()n</b>6 <b>{n</b>7 <b> int sum = 0;n</b>8n9 <b> for ( int number = 2; number &lt;= 100; number += 2 )n</b></p>n<p>10 <b> sum += number;n</b>11n12 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Sum is &quot; &lt;&lt; sum &lt;&lt; endl;n</b>13n14 <b> return 0;n</b>15 <b>}n</b></p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.20 </b>Summation with <b>for</b>.n</p>n<p>1 <b>// Fig. 2.21: fig02_21.cppn</b>2 <b>// Calculating compound interestn</b>3 <b>#include &lt;iostream.h&gt;n</b>4 <b>#include &lt;iomanip.h&gt;n</b>5 <b>#include &lt;math.h&gt;n</b>6n7 <b>int main()n</b>8 <b>{n</b>9 <b> double amount, // amount on depositn</b></p>n<p>10 <b> principal = 1000.0, // starting principaln</b>11 <b> rate = .05; // interest raten</b>12n13 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Year&quot; &lt;&lt; setw( 21 ) n</b>14 <b> &lt;&lt; &quot;Amount on deposit&quot; &lt;&lt; endl;n</b>15n16 <b> for ( int year = 1; year &lt;= 10; year++ ) {n</b>17 <b> amount = principal * pow( 1.0 + rate, year );n</b>18 <b> cout &lt;&lt; setw( 4 ) &lt;&lt; yearn</b>19 <b> &lt;&lt; setiosflags( ios::fixed ios::showpoint )n</b>20 <b> &lt;&lt; setw( 21 ) &lt;&lt; setprecision( 2 ) n</b>21 <b> &lt;&lt; amount &lt;&lt; endl;n</b>22 <b> }n</b>23n24 <b> return 0;n</b>25 <b>}n</b></p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.21 </b>Calculating compound interest with <b>for</b> (part 1 of 2).n</p>n<p><b>Sum is 2550</b></p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 13n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.21 </b>Calculating compound interest with <b>for</b> (part 2 of 2).n</p>n<p>1 <b>// Fig. 2.22: fig02_22.cppn</b>2 <b>// Counting letter gradesn</b>3 <b>#include &lt;iostream.h&gt;n</b>4n5 <b>int main()n</b>6 <b>{n</b>7 <b> int grade, // one graden</b>8 <b> aCount = 0, // number of A'sn</b>9 <b> bCount = 0, // number of B'sn</b></p>n<p>10 <b> cCount = 0, // number of C'sn</b>11 <b> dCount = 0, // number of D'sn</b>12 <b> fCount = 0; // number of F'sn</b>13n14 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Enter the letter grades.&quot; &lt;&lt; endln</b>15 <b> &lt;&lt; &quot;Enter the EOF character to end input.&quot; &lt;&lt; endl;n</b>16n17 <b> while ( ( grade = cin.get() ) != EOF ) {n</b>18n19 <b> switch ( grade ) { // switch nested in whilen</b>20n21 <b> case 'A': // grade was uppercase An</b>22 <b> case 'a': // or lowercase an</b>23 <b> ++aCount; n</b>24 <b> break; // necessary to exit switchn</b>25n26 <b> case 'B': // grade was uppercase Bn</b>27 <b> case 'b': // or lowercase bn</b>28 <b> ++bCount; n</b>29 <b> break;n</b>30n31 <b> case 'C': // grade was uppercase Cn</b>32 <b> case 'c': // or lowercase cn</b>33 <b> ++cCount; n</b>34 <b> break;n</b>35n36 <b> case 'D': // grade was uppercase Dn</b>37 <b> case 'd': // or lowercase dn</b>38 <b> ++dCount; n</b>39 <b> break;n</b>40n41 <b> case 'F': // grade was uppercase Fn</b>42 <b> case 'f': // or lowercase fn</b>43 <b> ++fCount; n</b>44 <b> break;n</b></p>n<p><b>Year Amount on depositn 1 1050.00n 2 1102.50n 3 1157.62n 4 1215.51n 5 1276.28n 6 1340.10n 7 1407.10n 8 1477.46n 9 1551.33n 10 1628.89</b></p>nn</div></div>n<div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 14n</b></p>n<p>&#169; Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.n</p>n<p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.n</p>n<p>45n46 <b> case 'n': // ignore newlines, n</b>47 <b> case 't': // tabs, n</b>48 <b> case ' ': // and spaces in inputn</b>49 <b> break;n</b>50n</p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.22 </b>An example using <b>switch</b> (part 1 of 2).n</p>n<p>51 <b> default: // catch all other charactersn</b>52 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;Incorrect letter grade entered.&quot;n</b>53 <b> &lt;&lt; &quot; Enter a new grade.&quot; &lt;&lt; endl;n</b>54 <b> break; // optionaln</b>55 <b> }n</b>56 <b> }n</b>57n58 <b> cout &lt;&lt; &quot;nnTotals for each letter grade are:&quot; n</b>59 <b> &lt;&lt; &quot;nA: &quot; &lt;&lt; aCount n</b>60 <b> &lt;&lt; &quot;nB: &quot; &lt;&lt; bCount n</b>61 <b> &lt;&lt; &quot;nC: &quot; &lt;&lt; cCount n</b>62 <b> &lt;&lt; &quot;nD: &quot; &lt;&lt; dCountn</b>63 <b> &lt;&lt; &quot;nF: &quot; &lt;&lt; fCount &lt;&lt; endl;n</b>64n65 <b> return 0;n</b>66 <b>}n</b></p>n<p><b>Fig. 2.22 </b>An example using <b>switch</b> (part 2 of 2).n</p>n<p><b>Enter the letter grades.nEnter the EOF character to end input.nanBncnCnAndnfnCnEnIncorrect letter grade entered. Enter a new grade.nDnAnbn</b></p>n<p><b>Totals for each letter grade are: nA: 3nB: 2nC: 3nD: 2nF: 1</b></p>nn</div></div>n</body></html>','canEdit':false,'canDelete':false,'canReport':false,'userVote':null,'previewLimit':3,'advEnabled':true,'totalVotes':11,'title':'C++ How To Program by Deitel & Deitel (2nd Edition) Pdf Download, Guides, Projects, Research for Computer Science','isPremiumEnabled':false,'hasQuizcardSet':null}'><div><div><div><div><main><div><div><div><span><span>Preview</span><span>3 pages / 363</span></span></div><div><div><div><div><div><div></div><div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div><div><div></div><div></div><div></div></div></div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. </p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p>C++ HOW TO PROGRAMSECOND EDITION</p><p>Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers and C++ Programming</p><p>Chapter 2 Control StructuresChapter 3 Functions</p><p>Chapter 4 Arrays</p><p>Chapter 5 Pointers and StringsChapter 6 Classes and Data Abstraction</p><p>Chapter 7 Classes: Part II</p><p>Chapter 8 Operator OverloadingChapter 9 Inheritance</p><p>Chapter 10 Virtual Functions and Polymorphism</p><p>Chapter 11 C++ Stream Input/OutputChapter 12 Templates</p><p>Chapter 13 Exception Handling</p><p>Chapter 14 File Processing</p><p>Chapter 15 Data StructuresChapter 16 Bits, Characters, Strings, and Structures</p><p>Chapter 17 The Preprocessor</p><p>Chapter 18 C Legacy Code TopicsChapter 19 Class string and String Stream Processing</p><p>Chapter 20 Standard Template Library (STL)</p><p>Chapter 21 ANSI/ISO C++ Standard Language Additions</p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C++ PROGRAMMING 1</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. </p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p>.</p><p><b><i>Illustrations List (Main Page)</i></b></p><p><b>Fig. 1.1 </b>A typical C++ environment.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.2 </b>Text printing program.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.3 </b>Some common escape sequences.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.4 </b>Printing on one line with separate statements </p><p>using <b>cout</b>.<b>Fig. 1.5 </b>Printing on multiple lines with a single statement </p><p>using <b>cout</b>.<b>Fig. 1.6 </b>An addition program.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.7 </b>A memory location showing the name and value of </p><p>a variable.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.8 </b>Memory locations after values for two variables have </p><p>been input.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.9 </b>Memory locations after a calculation.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.10 </b>Arithmetic operators.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.11 </b>Precedence of arithmetic operators.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.12 </b>Order in which a second-degree polynomial is evaluated.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.13 </b>Equality and relational operators.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.14 </b>Using equality and relational operators.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.15 </b>Precedence and associativity of the operators discussed </p><p>so far.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.16 </b>Using new-style header files.</p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C++ PROGRAMMING 2</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. </p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p>Disk</p><p>Editor</p><p>Loader</p><p>Preprocessor</p><p>CPU</p><p>Disk</p><p>Disk</p><p>Primary</p><p>Memory</p><p><b>.</b></p><p><b>.</b></p><p><b>.</b></p><p>Primary</p><p>Memory</p><p><b>.</b></p><p><b>.</b></p><p><b>.</b></p><p>Program is created in</p><p>the editor and stored</p><p>on disk.</p><p>Preprocessor program</p><p>processes the code.</p><p>Loader puts program</p><p>in memory.</p><p>CPU takes each</p><p>instruction and</p><p>executes it, possibly</p><p>storing new data</p><p>values as the program</p><p>executes.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.1 </b>A typical C++ environment.</p><p>Compiler Disk</p><p>Compiler creates</p><p>object code and stores</p><p>it on disk.</p><p>Linker Disk</p><p>Linker links the object</p><p>code with the libraries,</p><p>creates <b>a.out</b> and</p><p>stores it on disk</p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C++ PROGRAMMING 3</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. </p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p>1 <b>// Fig. 1.2: fig01_02.cpp</b>2 <b>// A first program in C++</b>3 <b>#include <iostream.h></b>45 <b>int main()</b>6 <b>{</b>7 <b> cout << 'Welcome to C++!n';</b>89 <b> return 0; // indicate that program ended successfully</b></p><p>10 <b>}</b></p><p><b>Fig. 1.2 </b>Text printing program.</p><p>1 <b>// Fig. 1.4: fig01_04.cpp</b>2 <b>// Printing a line with multiple statements</b>3 <b>#include <iostream.h></b>45 <b>int main()</b>6 <b>{</b>7 <b> cout << 'Welcome ';</b>8 <b> cout << 'to C++!n';</b>9</p><p>10 <b> return 0; // indicate that program ended successfully</b>11 <b>}</b></p><p><b>Fig. 1.4 </b>Printing on one line with separate statements using <b>cout</b>.</p><p><b>Welcome to C++!</b></p><p><b>Escape Sequence Description</b></p><p><b>n </b>Newline. Position the screen cursor to the beginning of the next line.</p><p><b>t </b>Horizontal tab. Move the screen cursor to the next tab stop.</p><p><b>r </b>Carriage return. Position the screen cursor to the beginning of the cur-</p><p>rent line; do not advance to the next line.</p><p><b>a </b>Alert. Sound the system bell.</p><p><b> </b>Backslash. Used to print a backslash character.</p><p><b>' </b>Double quote. Used to print a double quote character.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.3 </b>Some common escape sequences.</p><p><b>Welcome to C++!</b></p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C++ PROGRAMMING 4</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. </p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p>1 <b>// Fig. 1.5: fig01_05.cpp</b>2 <b>// Printing multiple lines with a single statement</b>3 <b>#include <iostream.h></b>45 <b>int main()</b>6 <b>{</b>7 <b> cout << 'WelcomentonnC++!n';</b>89 <b> return 0; // indicate that program ended successfully</b></p><p>10 <b>}</b></p><p><b>Fig. 1.5 </b>Printing on multiple lines with a single statement using <b>cout</b>. </p><p>1 <b>// Fig. 1.6: fig01_06.cpp</b>2 <b>// Addition program</b>3 <b>#include <iostream.h></b>45 <b>int main()</b>6 <b>{</b>7 <b> int integer1, integer2, sum; // declaration</b>89 <b> cout << 'Enter first integern'; // prompt</b></p><p>10 <b> cin >> integer1; // read an integer</b>11 <b> cout << 'Enter second integern'; // prompt</b>12 <b> cin >> integer2; // read an integer</b>13 <b> sum = integer1 + integer2; // assignment of sum</b>14 <b> cout << 'Sum is ' << sum << endl; // print sum</b>1516 <b> return 0; // indicate that program ended successfully</b>17 <b>}</b></p><p><b>Fig. 1.6 </b>An addition program (part 1 of 2).</p><p><b>Fig. 1.6 </b>An addition program (part 2 of 2).</p><p><b>Welcometo</b></p><p><b>C++!</b></p><p><b>Enter first integer45Enter second integer72Sum is 117</b></p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C++ PROGRAMMING 5</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. </p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.7 </b>A memory location showing the name and value of a variable.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.8 </b>Memory locations after values for two variables have been input.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.9 </b>Memory locations after a calculation.</p><p><b>C++</b></p><p><b>operation</b></p><p><b>Arithmetic </b></p><p><b>operator</b></p><p><b>Algebraic </b></p><p><b>expression</b></p><p><b>C++</b></p><p><b>expression</b></p><p>Addition <b>+ </b><i>f + 7 <b></b></i><b>f + 7</b></p><p>Subtraction <b>– </b><i>p – c <b></b></i><b>p - c</b></p><p>Multiplication <b>* </b><i>bm <b></b></i><b>b * m </b></p><p>Division <b>/</b><i>x / y </i>or<i></i>or<i> x </i>÷<i> y</i></p><p><b>x / y</b></p><p>Modulus <b>% </b><i>r mod s <b></b></i><b>r % s</b></p><p><b>Fig. 1.10 </b>Arithmetic operators.</p><p><b>integer1 45</b></p><p><b>integer1 45</b></p><p><b> integer2 72</b></p><p><b>integer1 45</b></p><p><b> integer2 72</b></p><p><b> sum 117</b></p><p><i>x</i></p><p><i>y-</i></p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C++ PROGRAMMING 6</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. </p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.12 </b>Order in which a second-degree polynomial is evaluated.</p><p><b>Operator(s) Operation(s) Order of evaluation (precedence)</b></p><p><b>( ) </b>Parentheses Evaluated first. If the parentheses are nested, the </p><p>expression in the innermost pair is evaluated first. </p><p>If there are several pairs of parentheses “on the</p><p>same level” (i.e., not nested), they are evaluated</p><p>left to right.</p><p><b>*</b>, <b>/</b>, <b>or</b><b>% </b>Multiplication</p><p>Division </p><p>Modulus</p><p>Evaluated second. If there are several, they are</p><p>evaluated left to right. </p><p><b>+ or - </b>Addition</p><p>Subtraction</p><p>Evaluated last. If there are several, they are </p><p>evaluated left to right.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.11 </b>Precedence of arithmetic operators.</p><p><b>y = 2 * 5 * 5 + 3 * 5 + 7;</b></p><p><b> 2 * 5 is 10 </b>(Leftmost multiplication)</p><p><b>y = 10 * 5 + 3 * 5 + 7;</b></p><p><b> 10 * 5 is 50 </b>(Leftmost multiplication)</p><p><b>y = 50 + 3 * 5 + 7;</b></p><p><b> 3 * 5 is 15 </b>(Multiplication before addition)</p><p><b>y = 50 + 15 + 7;</b></p><p><b> 50 + 15 is 65 </b>(Leftmost addition)</p><p><b>y = 65 + 7;</b></p><p><b> 65 + 7 is 72 </b>(Last addition)</p><p><b>y = 72; </b>(Last operation—place <b>72</b> into <b>y</b>)</p><p><i>Step 1.</i></p><p><i>Step 2.</i></p><p><i>Step 5.</i></p><p><i>Step 3.</i></p><p><i>Step 4.</i></p><p><i>Step 6.</i></p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C++ PROGRAMMING 7</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. </p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p>1 <b>// Fig. 1.14: fig01_14.cpp</b>2 <b>// Using if statements, relational</b>3 <b>// operators, and equality operators</b>4 <b>#include <iostream.h></b>56 <b>int main()</b>7 <b>{</b>8 <b> int num1, num2;</b>9</p><p>10 <b> cout << 'Enter two integers, and I will tell youn'</b>11 <b> << 'the relationships they satisfy: ';</b>12 <b> cin >> num1 >> num2; // read two integers</b>1314 <b> if ( num1 num2 )</b>15 <b> cout << num1 << ' is equal to ' << num2 << endl;</b>1617 <b> if ( num1 != num2 )</b>18 <b> cout << num1 << ' is not equal to ' << num2 << endl;</b>1920 <b> if ( num1 < num2 )</b>21 <b> cout << num1 << ' is less than ' << num2 << endl;</b>2223 <b> if ( num1 > num2 )</b>24 <b> cout << num1 << ' is greater than ' << num2 << endl;</b>2526 <b> if ( num1 <= num2 )</b>27 <b> cout << num1 << ' is less than or equal to '</b>28 <b> << num2 << endl;</b>2930 <b> if ( num1 >= num2 )</b>31 <b> cout << num1 << ' is greater than or equal to '</b>32 <b> << num2 << endl;</b>3334 <b> return 0; // indicate that program ended successfully</b>35 <b>}</b></p><p><b>Standard algebraic</b></p><p><b>equality operator or</b></p><p><b>relational operator</b></p><p><b>C++ equality</b></p><p><b>or relational</b></p><p><b>operator</b></p><p><b>Example </b></p><p><b>of C++ </b></p><p><b>condition</b></p><p><b>Meaning of </b></p><p><b>C++ condition</b></p><p><i>Equality operators</i></p><p>= <b> x y x</b> is equal to <b>y</b></p><p>≠ <b>!= x != y x</b> is not equal to <b>y</b><i>Relational operators</i></p><p>> <b>> x > y x</b> is greater than <b>y</b></p><p>< <b>< x < y x</b> is less than <b>y</b></p><p>≥ <b>>= x >= y x</b> is greater than or equal to <b>y</b>≤ <b><= x <= y x</b> is less than or equal to <b>y</b></p><p><b>Fig. 1.13 </b>Equality and relational operators.</p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C++ PROGRAMMING 8</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. </p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p><b>Fig. 1.14 </b>Using equality and relational operators (part 1 of 2).</p><p><b>Fig. 1.14 </b>Using equality and relational operators (part 2 of 2).</p><p><b>Enter two integers, and I will tell you the relationships they satisfy: 3 73 is not equal to 73 is less than 73 is less than or equal to 7</b></p><p><b>Enter two integers, and I will tell you the relationships they satisfy: 22 1222 is not equal to 1222 is greater than 1222 is greater than or equal to 12</b></p><p><b>Enter two integers, and I will tell you the relationships they satisfy: 7 77 is equal to 77 is less than or equal to 77 is greater than or equal to 7</b></p><p><b>Operators Associativity Type</b></p><p><b>() </b>left to right parentheses</p><p><b>* / % </b>left to right multiplicative</p><p><b>+ - </b>left to right additive</p><p><< >> left to right stream insertion/extraction</p><p><b>< <= > >= </b>left to right relational</p><p><b> != </b>left to right equality</p><p><b>= </b>right to left assignment</p><p><b>Fig. 1.15 </b>Precedence and associativity of the operators discussed so far.</p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C++ PROGRAMMING 9</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. </p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p>1</p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND C++ PROGRAMMING 10</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved. </p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p>1 <b>// Fig. 1.16: fig01_16.cpp</b>2 <b>// Using new-style header files</b>3 <b>#include <iostream></b>45 <b>using namespace std;</b>67 <b>int main()</b>8 <b>{</b>9 <b> cout << 'Welcome to C++!n';</b></p><p>10 <b> std::cout << 'Welcome to C++!n'; </b>1112 <b> return 0; // indicate that program ended successfully</b>13 <b>}</b></p><p><b>Fig. 1.16 </b>Using new-style header files.</p><p><b>Welcome to C++!Welcome to C++!</b></p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 1</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.</p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p><b><i>Illustrations List (Main Page) </i></b></p><p><b>Fig. 2.1 </b>Flowcharting C++’s sequence structure.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.2 </b>C++ keywords.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.3 </b>Flowcharting the single-selection <b>if</b> structure.<b>Fig. 2.4 </b>Flowcharting the double-selection <b>if/else</b> structure.<b>Fig. 2.5 </b>Flowcharting the <b>while</b> repetition structure.<b>Fig. 2.6 </b>Pseudocode algorithm that uses counter-controlled </p><p>repetition to solve the class average problem.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.7 </b>C++ program and sample execution for the class average problem </p><p>with counter-controlled repetition.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.8 </b>Pseudocode algorithm that uses sentinel-controlled repetition to </p><p>solve the class average problem.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.9 </b>C++ program and sample execution for the class average problem </p><p>with sentinel-controlled repetition.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.10 </b>Pseudocode for examination results problem.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.11 </b>C++ program and sample executions for examination results problem.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.12 </b>Arithmetic assignment operators.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.13 </b>The increment and decrement operators.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.14 </b>The difference between preincrementing and postincrementing.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.15 </b>Precedence of the operators encountered so far in the text.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.16 </b>Counter-controlled repetition.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.17 </b>Counter-controlled repetition with the <b>for</b> structure.<b>Fig. 2.18 </b>Components of a typical <b>for</b> header.<b>Fig. 2.19 </b>Flowcharting a typical <b>for</b> repetition structure.<b>Fig. 2.20 </b>Summation with <b>for</b>.<b>Fig. 2.21 </b>Calculating compound interest with <b>for</b>.<b>Fig. 2.22 </b>An example using <b>switch</b>.<b>Fig. 2.23 </b>The <b>switch</b> multiple-selection structure with <b>break</b>s.<b>Fig. 2.24 </b>Using the <b>do/while</b> structure.<b>Fig. 2.25 </b>Flowcharting the <b>do/while</b> repetition structure.<b>Fig. 2.26 </b>Using the <b>break</b> statement in a <b>for</b> structure.<b>Fig. 2.27 </b>Using the <b>continue</b> statement in a <b>for</b> structure.<b>Fig. 2.28 </b>Truth table for the <b>&&</b> (logical AND) operator.<b>Fig. 2.29 </b>Truth table for the <b> </b> (logical OR) operator.<b>Fig. 2.30 </b>Truth table for operator <b>!</b> (logical negation).<b>Fig. 2.31 </b>Operator precedence and associativity.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.32 </b>C++’s single-entry/single-exit sequence, selection, and </p><p>repetition structures.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.33 </b>Rules for forming structured programs.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.34 </b>The simplest flowchart.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.35 </b>Repeatedly applying rule 2 of Fig. 2.33 to the simplest flowchart.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.36 </b>Applying rule 3 of Fig. 2.33 to the simplest flowchart.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.37 </b>Stacked, nested and overlapped building blocks.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.38 </b>An unstructured flowchart.</p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 2</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.</p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.1 </b>Flowcharting C++’s sequence structure.</p><p><b>C++ Keywords</b></p><p><i>C and C++ keywords</i></p><p><b>auto break case char const</b></p><p><b>continue default do double else</b></p><p><b>enum extern float for goto</b></p><p><b>if int long register return</b></p><p><b>short signed sizeof static struct</b></p><p><b>switch typedef union unsigned void</b></p><p><b>volatile while</b></p><p><i>C++ only keywords</i></p><p><b>asm bool catch class const_cast</b></p><p><b>delete dynamic_cas</b></p><p><b>t</b></p><p><b>explicit false friend</b></p><p><b>inline mutable namespace new operator</b></p><p><b>private protected public reinterpret_cast</b></p><p><b>static_cast template this throw true</b></p><p><b>try typeid typename using virtual</b></p><p><b>wchar_t</b></p><p><b>Fig. 2.2 </b>C++ keywords.</p><p>add grade to </p><p>total</p><p>add 1 to </p><p>counter</p><p><b>total = total + grade;</b></p><p><b>counter = counter + 1;</b></p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 3</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.</p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.4 </b>Flowcharting the double-selection <b>if/else</b> structure.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.5 </b>Flowcharting the <b>while</b> repetition structure.</p><p>grade >= 60 print 'Passed'true</p><p>false</p><p><b>Fig. 2.3 </b>Flowcharting the single-selection <b>if</b> structure.</p><p>grade >= 60</p><p>print 'Passed'</p><p>true</p><p>print 'Failed'</p><p>false</p><p>product <= 1000 product =</p><p>2 * product</p><p>true</p><p>false</p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 4</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.</p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p><i>Set total to zero</i></p><p><i>Set grade counter to one</i></p><p><i>While grade counter is less than or equal to ten</i></p><p><i>Input the next grade</i></p><p><i>Add the grade into the total</i></p><p><i>Add one to the grade counter</i></p><p><i>Set the class average to the total divided by ten</i></p><p><i>Print the class average</i></p><p><b>Fig. 2.6 </b>Pseudocode algorithm that uses counter-controlled repetition to solve the class average problem.</p><p>1 <b>// Fig. 2.7: fig02_07.cpp</b>2 <b>// Class average program with counter-controlled repetition</b>3 <b>#include <iostream.h></b>45 <b>int main()</b>6 <b>{</b>7 <b> int total, // sum of grades </b>8 <b> gradeCounter, // number of grades entered</b>9 <b> grade, // one grade</b></p><p>10 <b> average; // average of grades</b>1112 <b> // initialization phase</b>13 <b> total = 0; // clear total</b>14 <b> gradeCounter = 1; // prepare to loop</b>1516 <b> // processing phase</b>17 <b> while ( gradeCounter <= 10 ) { // loop 10 times</b>18 <b> cout << 'Enter grade: '; // prompt for input</b>19 <b> cin >> grade; // input grade</b>20 <b> total = total + grade; // add grade to total</b>21 <b> gradeCounter = gradeCounter + 1; // increment counter</b>22 <b> }</b>2324 <b> // termination phase</b>25 <b> average = total / 10; // integer division</b>26 <b> cout << 'Class average is ' << average << endl;</b>2728 <b> return 0; // indicate program ended successfully</b>29 <b>}</b></p><p><b>Fig. 2.7 </b>C++ program and sample execution for the class average problem with counter-controlled repetition.</p><p><b>Enter grade: 98Enter grade: 76Enter grade: 71Enter grade: 87Enter grade: 83Enter grade: 90Enter grade: 57Enter grade: 79Enter grade: 82Enter grade: 94Class average is 81</b></p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 5</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.</p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p><i>Initialize total to zero</i></p><p><i>Initialize counter to zero</i></p><p><i>Input the first grade (possibly the sentinel)</i></p><p><i>While the user has not as yet entered the sentinel </i></p><p><i>Add this grade into the running total</i></p><p><i>Add one to the grade counter</i></p><p><i>Input the next grade (possibly the sentinel)</i></p><p><i>If the counter is not equal to zero</i></p><p><i>Set the average to the total divided by the counter</i></p><p><i>Print the average</i></p><p><i>else</i></p><p><i>Print “No grades were entered”</i></p><p><b>Fig. 2.8 </b>Pseudocode algorithm that uses sentinel-controlled repetition to solve the class average problem.</p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 6</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.</p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p>1 <b>// Fig. 2.9: fig02_09.cpp</b>2 <b>// Class average program with sentinel-controlled repetition.</b>3 <b>#include <iostream.h></b>4 <b>#include <iomanip.h></b>56 <b>int main()</b>7 <b>{</b>8 <b> int total, // sum of grades</b>9 <b> gradeCounter, // number of grades entered</b></p><p>10 <b> grade; // one grade </b>11 <b> float average; // number with decimal point for average</b>12</p><p><b>Fig. 2.9 </b>C++ program and sample execution for the class average problem with sentinel-controlled repetition(part 1 of 2).</p><p>13 <b> // initialization phase</b>14 <b> total = 0;</b>15 <b> gradeCounter = 0;</b>1617 <b> // processing phase</b>18 <b> cout << 'Enter grade, -1 to end: '; </b>19 <b> cin >> grade; </b>2021 <b> while ( grade != -1 ) { </b>22 <b> total = total + grade; </b>23 <b> gradeCounter = gradeCounter + 1; </b>24 <b> cout << 'Enter grade, -1 to end: '; </b>25 <b> cin >> grade; </b>26 <b> }</b>2728 <b> // termination phase</b>29 <b> if ( gradeCounter != 0 ) { </b>30 <b> average = static_cast< float >( total ) / gradeCounter;</b>31 <b> cout << 'Class average is ' << setprecision( 2 )</b>32 <b> << setiosflags( ios::fixed ios::showpoint )</b>33 <b> << average << endl;</b>34 <b> }</b>35 <b> else</b>36 <b> cout << 'No grades were entered' << endl;</b>3738 <b> return 0; // indicate program ended successfully</b>39 <b>}</b></p><p><b>Fig. 2.9 </b>C++ program and sample execution for the class average problem with sentinel-controlled repetition (part 2 of 2).</p><p><b>Enter grade, -1 to end: 75Enter grade, -1 to end: 94Enter grade, -1 to end: 97Enter grade, -1 to end: 88Enter grade, -1 to end: 70Enter grade, -1 to end: 64Enter grade, -1 to end: 83Enter grade, -1 to end: 89Enter grade, -1 to end: -1Class average is 82.50</b></p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 7</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.</p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p><i>Initialize passes to zero</i></p><p><i>Initialize failures to zero</i></p><p><i>Initialize student counter to one</i></p><p><i>While student counter is less than or equal to ten</i></p><p><i>Input the next exam result</i></p><p><i>If the student passed</i></p><p><i>Add one to passes</i></p><p><i>else</i></p><p><i>Add one to failures</i></p><p><i>Add one to student counter</i></p><p><i>Print the number of passes</i></p><p><i>Print the number of failures</i></p><p><i>If more than eight students passed </i></p><p><i>Print “Raise tuition”</i></p><p><b>Fig. 2.10 </b>Pseudocode for examination results problem.</p><p>1 <b>// Fig. 2.11: fig02_11.cpp</b>2 <b>// Analysis of examination results</b>3 <b>#include <iostream.h></b>45 <b>int main()</b>6 <b>{</b>7 <b> // initialize variables in declarations</b>8 <b> int passes = 0, // number of passes</b>9 <b> failures = 0, // number of failures</b></p><p>10 <b> studentCounter = 1, // student counter</b>11 <b> result; // one exam result</b>1213 <b> // process 10 students; counter-controlled loop</b>14 <b> while ( studentCounter <= 10 ) {</b>15 <b> cout << 'Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): ';</b>16 <b> cin >> result;</b>17</p><p><b>Fig. 2.11 </b>C++ program and sample executions for examination results problem (part 1 of 2).</p><p>18 <b> if ( result 1 ) // if/else nested in while</b>19 <b> passes = passes + 1;</b>20 <b> else</b>21 <b> failures = failures + 1;</b>2223 <b> studentCounter = studentCounter + 1;</b>24 <b> }</b>2526 <b> // termination phase</b>27 <b> cout << 'Passed ' << passes << endl;</b>28 <b> cout << 'Failed ' << failures << endl;</b>2930 <b> if ( passes > 8 )</b>31 <b> cout << 'Raise tuition ' << endl;</b>32</p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 8</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.</p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p>33 <b> return 0; // successful termination</b>34 <b>}</b></p><p><b>Fig. 2.11 </b>C++ program and sample executions for examination results problem (part 2 of 2).</p><p><b>Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 2Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 2Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 2Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 2Passed 6Failed 4</b></p><p><b>Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 2Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1Enter result (1=pass,2=fail): 1Passed 9Failed 1Raise tuition</b></p><p><b>Assignment</b></p><p><b>operator</b></p><p><b>Sample</b></p><p><b>expression Explanation Assigns</b></p><p><i>Assume:</i><b>int c = 3, d = 5, e = 4, f = 6, g = 12;</b></p><p><b>+= c += 7 c = c + 7 10</b> to <b>c</b></p><p><b>-= d -= 4 d = d - 4 1</b> to <b>d</b></p><p><b>*= e *= 5 e = e * 5 20</b> to <b>e</b></p><p><b>/= f /= 3 f = f / 3 2</b> to <b>f</b></p><p><b>%= g %= 9 g = g % 9 3</b> to <b>g</b></p><p><b>Fig. 2.12 </b>Arithmetic assignment operators.</p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 9</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.</p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p>1 <b>// Fig. 2.14: fig02_14.cpp</b>2 <b>// Preincrementing and postincrementing</b>3 <b>#include <iostream.h></b>45 <b>int main()</b>6 <b>{</b>7 <b> int c;</b>89 <b> c = 5;</b></p><p>10 <b> cout << c << endl; // print 5</b>11 <b> cout << c++ << endl; // print 5 then postincrement</b>12 <b> cout << c << endl << endl; // print 6</b>1314 <b> c = 5;</b>15 <b> cout << c << endl; // print 5</b>16 <b> cout << ++c << endl; // preincrement then print 6</b>17 <b> cout << c << endl; // print 6</b>1819 <b> return 0; // successful termination</b>20 <b>}</b></p><p><b>Fig. 2.14 </b>The difference between preincrementing and postincrementing.</p><p><b>Operator Called Sample expression Explanation</b></p><p><b>++ </b>preincrement <b>++a </b>Increment <b>a</b> by 1, then use the new value </p><p>of <b>a</b> in the expression in which <b>a</b> resides.</p><p><b>++ </b>postincre-</p><p>ment</p><p><b>a++ </b>Use the current value of <b>a</b> in the expres-</p><p>sion in which <b>a</b> resides, then increment <b>a</b></p><p>by 1.</p><p><b>-- </b>predecrement <b>--b </b>Decrement <b>b</b> by 1, then use the new value </p><p>of <b>b</b> in the expression in which <b>b</b> resides.</p><p><b>-- </b>postdecre-</p><p>ment</p><p><b>b-- </b>Use the current value of <b>b</b> in the expres-</p><p>sion in which <b>b</b> resides, then decrement <b>b</b></p><p>by 1.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.13 </b>The increment and decrement operators.</p><p><b>556</b></p><p><b>566</b></p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 10</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.</p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p>1 <b>// Fig. 2.16: fig02_16.cpp</b>2 <b>// Counter-controlled repetition</b>3 <b>#include <iostream.h></b>45 <b>int main()</b>6 <b>{</b>7 <b> int counter = 1; // initialization</b>89 <b> while ( counter <= 10 ) { // repetition condition</b></p><p>10 <b> cout << counter << endl;</b>11 <b> ++counter; // increment</b>12 <b> }</b>1314 <b> return 0;</b>15 <b>}</b></p><p><b>Fig. 2.16 </b>Counter-controlled repetition.</p><p><b>Operators</b></p><p><b>Associativi-</b></p><p><b>ty Type</b></p><p><b>() </b>left to right parentheses</p><p><b>++ -- + - static_cast<</b><i>type<b></b></i><b>>() </b>right to left unary</p><p><b>* / % </b>left to right multiplicative</p><p><b>+ - </b>left to right additive</p><p><b><< >> </b>left to right insertion/extrac-</p><p>tion</p><p><b>< <= > >= </b>left to right relational</p><p><b> != </b>left to right equality</p><p><b>?: </b>right to left conditional</p><p><b>= += -= *= /= %= </b>right to left assignment</p><p><b>, </b>left to right comma</p><p><b>Fig. 2.15 </b>Precedence of the operators encountered so far in the text.</p><p><b>12345678910</b></p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 11</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.</p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p>1 <b>// Fig. 2.17: fig02_17.cpp</b>2 <b>// Counter-controlled repetition with the for structure</b>3 <b>#include <iostream.h></b>45 <b>int main()</b>6 <b>{</b>7 <b> // Initialization, repetition condition, and incrementing </b>8 <b> // are all included in the for structure header. </b>9</p><p>10 <b> for ( int counter = 1; counter <= 10; counter++ )</b>11 <b> cout << counter << endl;</b>1213 <b> return 0;</b>14 <b>}</b></p><p><b>Fig. 2.17 </b>Counter-controlled repetition with the <b>for</b> structure.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.18 </b>Components of a typical <b>for</b> header.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.19 </b>Flowcharting a typical <b>for</b> repetition structure.</p><p><b>for ( int counter = 1; counter <= 10; counter++ )</b></p><p>Initial value </p><p>of control </p><p>variable</p><p>Increment of </p><p>control vari-</p><p>able</p><p>Control </p><p>variable </p><p>name</p><p>Final value </p><p>of control </p><p>variable</p><p><b>for</b></p><p>keyword</p><p>Loop-</p><p>continuation </p><p>condition</p><p><b>counter <= 10 </b>true</p><p>false</p><p><b>counter = 1</b></p><p><b>counter++cout</b><b><<</b><b>counter</b></p><p><b></b><b><<</b><b>endl;</b></p><p>Establish initial </p><p>value of control </p><p>variable</p><p>Test if final </p><p>value of control </p><p>variable has not </p><p>been reached</p><p>Body of loop (this </p><p>may be many state-</p><p>ments)</p><p>Increment the con-</p><p>trol variable</p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 12</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.</p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p>1 <b>// Fig. 2.20: fig02_20.cpp</b>2 <b>// Summation with for</b>3 <b>#include <iostream.h></b>45 <b>int main()</b>6 <b>{</b>7 <b> int sum = 0;</b>89 <b> for ( int number = 2; number <= 100; number += 2 )</b></p><p>10 <b> sum += number;</b>1112 <b> cout << 'Sum is ' << sum << endl;</b>1314 <b> return 0;</b>15 <b>}</b></p><p><b>Fig. 2.20 </b>Summation with <b>for</b>.</p><p>1 <b>// Fig. 2.21: fig02_21.cpp</b>2 <b>// Calculating compound interest</b>3 <b>#include <iostream.h></b>4 <b>#include <iomanip.h></b>5 <b>#include <math.h></b>67 <b>int main()</b>8 <b>{</b>9 <b> double amount, // amount on deposit</b></p><p>10 <b> principal = 1000.0, // starting principal</b>11 <b> rate = .05; // interest rate</b>1213 <b> cout << 'Year' << setw( 21 ) </b>14 <b> << 'Amount on deposit' << endl;</b>1516 <b> for ( int year = 1; year <= 10; year++ ) {</b>17 <b> amount = principal * pow( 1.0 + rate, year );</b>18 <b> cout << setw( 4 ) << year</b>19 <b> << setiosflags( ios::fixed ios::showpoint )</b>20 <b> << setw( 21 ) << setprecision( 2 ) </b>21 <b> << amount << endl;</b>22 <b> }</b>2324 <b> return 0;</b>25 <b>}</b></p><p><b>Fig. 2.21 </b>Calculating compound interest with <b>for</b> (part 1 of 2).</p><p><b>Sum is 2550</b></p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 13</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.</p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p><b>Fig. 2.21 </b>Calculating compound interest with <b>for</b> (part 2 of 2).</p><p>1 <b>// Fig. 2.22: fig02_22.cpp</b>2 <b>// Counting letter grades</b>3 <b>#include <iostream.h></b>45 <b>int main()</b>6 <b>{</b>7 <b> int grade, // one grade</b>8 <b> aCount = 0, // number of A's</b>9 <b> bCount = 0, // number of B's</b></p><p>10 <b> cCount = 0, // number of C's</b>11 <b> dCount = 0, // number of D's</b>12 <b> fCount = 0; // number of F's</b>1314 <b> cout << 'Enter the letter grades.' << endl</b>15 <b> << 'Enter the EOF character to end input.' << endl;</b>1617 <b> while ( ( grade = cin.get() ) != EOF ) {</b>1819 <b> switch ( grade ) { // switch nested in while</b>2021 <b> case 'A': // grade was uppercase A</b>22 <b> case 'a': // or lowercase a</b>23 <b> ++aCount; </b>24 <b> break; // necessary to exit switch</b>2526 <b> case 'B': // grade was uppercase B</b>27 <b> case 'b': // or lowercase b</b>28 <b> ++bCount; </b>29 <b> break;</b>3031 <b> case 'C': // grade was uppercase C</b>32 <b> case 'c': // or lowercase c</b>33 <b> ++cCount; </b>34 <b> break;</b>3536 <b> case 'D': // grade was uppercase D</b>37 <b> case 'd': // or lowercase d</b>38 <b> ++dCount; </b>39 <b> break;</b>4041 <b> case 'F': // grade was uppercase F</b>42 <b> case 'f': // or lowercase f</b>43 <b> ++fCount; </b>44 <b> break;</b></p><p><b>Year Amount on deposit 1 1050.00 2 1102.50 3 1157.62 4 1215.51 5 1276.28 6 1340.10 7 1407.10 8 1477.46 9 1551.33 10 1628.89</b></p></div></div><div><div><p><b>CHAPTER 2 CONTROL STRUCTURES 14</b></p><p>© Copyright 1998 by Prentice Hall. All Rights Reserved.</p><p>For use only by instructors in courses for which C++ How to Program, Second Editon is the required textbook.</p><p>4546 <b> case 'n': // ignore newlines, </b>47 <b> case 't': // tabs, </b>48 <b> case ' ': // and spaces in input</b>49 <b> break;</b>50</p><p><b>Fig. 2.22 </b>An example using <b>switch</b> (part 1 of 2).</p><p>51 <b> default: // catch all other characters</b>52 <b> cout << 'Incorrect letter grade entered.'</b>53 <b> << ' Enter a new grade.' << endl;</b>54 <b> break; // optional</b>55 <b> }</b>56 <b> }</b>5758 <b> cout << 'nnTotals for each letter grade are:' </b>59 <b> << 'nA: ' << aCount </b>60 <b> << 'nB: ' << bCount </b>61 <b> << 'nC: ' << cCount </b>62 <b> << 'nD: ' << dCount</b>63 <b> << 'nF: ' << fCount << endl;</b>6465 <b> return 0;</b>66 <b>}</b></p><p><b>Fig. 2.22 </b>An example using <b>switch</b> (part 2 of 2).</p><p><b>Enter the letter grades.Enter the EOF character to end input.aBcCAdfCEIncorrect letter grade entered. Enter a new grade.DAb</b></p><p><b>Totals for each letter grade are: A: 3B: 2C: 3D: 2F: 1</b></p></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div><div><div><div><div></div></div></div></div></main><div><div></div></div><div><div><div><div><div></div></div><div><div></div></div><div><div></div></div><div><div><div></div></div></div><div><div></div></div><div><div></div></div></div><div></div></div></div><div><div><div><div><div><div></div></div></div></div></div></div></aside></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></body>
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